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Position:Home>Poetry> My fellow poets... Would you answer?

Question: My fellow poets!.!.!. Would you answer!?
I want to know what you love about poetry, either as a poet and/or a reader!. What draws you, hurts you, holds you, lifts you, shapes you, thrills you… etc!.

What misconceptions do you dislike!?

What changes have you seen!?

Anything and everything you can think of to be liked and disliked about pottery and where do you find your inspiration……

I want to hear from all my fellow poets and appreciators…Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I am new to writing poetry as i have only been at it 6 months' but i love it!.It talks to me it gets in my soul my inner being and it is the best thing i have ever experienced!.I have seen your and Rouxes poetry and it's wonderful i love reading it as i do many more of the poets here!.I write dark poetry as i am a darker type person ' but when people say cheer up write about flowers i think flowers' well that's not me ' so i do what makes me happy' what sooths my weary soul!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i write a little but i dont think im very good!. i like the emotional flowWww@QuestionHome@Com

Poetry is about expression!.!. I love how accomplished I feel after I write a piece;;
also how cleansing it is!.!.
Each piece is individual and holds different meanings to each person who reads it;;

I will be posting some of my pieces up for feedback so if you wanna read it;;;


I love words!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Wordsworth said "Poetry is the spontaneous overflow of emotion!." And I am inclined to agree with him!. I've had a wonderful semester of growth and social development, but there have been plenty of down times and up times that served to inspire my poetry!. I find that when I am emotionally charged, be it a positive or negative emotion, my muse really speaks to me and the words and verse just flow naturally!. Clever rhyme that carries a punchy message is what I most enjoy about poetry, something that touches your soul!. Creation of verse thrills me, and a poem shapes me even as I shape it, lifting me above my emotions and allowing to view myself objectively!. Poetry acts like a mirror to me, allowing me to see myself for who I am, where I am, not the ideal self image, but who I really am, flaws and all!. And there is a release in that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I love the feeling words can give you when you read them perfectly laced together, creating a beautiful picture in the mind!. I also love when I connect with a poem, when I can feel every emotion and see every object the writer has described!.

Sometimes, I need to write a poem to help myself truly understand my emotion!. A lot of times I become overwhelmed and do not understand what I am feeling until I see it laid before me in my own words!. I also love to write about nature, because nature gives me a special feeling when I am alone with it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

What I love about poetry and all other creative media's is how no matter how engrossed i can be in something, a situation or what ever it has the ability to completly submerge me in all the thoughts and emotions and it my mind goes blank to all but the poem, i can only see the the images overflowing from the page, the orchestra bursting with crescendos from the speakers , lavish colours glistening on the canvas, i draw inspiration from these feelings which are sometimes overwhelming and its what I live forWww@QuestionHome@Com

For me it's mostly the language!. Reading or writing poetry puts the world in order for me, the way that music does for some people!.

The worst misconception about poetry is the idea that it exists to be analyzed!. Yes, it can be analyzed, but before you do that, you have to understand it in a flash--the way you do with a joke!. The way poetry gets taught in most HS classes, it's as if they were teaching humor, and before anyone had a chance to laugh at the joke, the teacher said "All right, class, let's look at the reasons the kangaroo walked into the bar and what he symbolizes!. Why didn't the author of the joke use a llama instead of a kangaroo!?" Yeesh!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There are surprisingly few themes regarding the human condition!. But that bothers us not at all, because there is an infinite number of variations on those few themes!. More than any other medium, poetry permits us - forces us - to look at these old themes in different ways!. With every new look with every poem I read - whether for the first time or the hundredth time - my life is enlarged!. That is what I love about poetry!. What I love about a poem can be anything: beauty, ugliness, wisdom, silliness!.!.!.!. You get the idea!.
Is the second question a trick question!? A misconception is, by its nature something to dislike, and so I dislike them all!. If however you mean expectations, that's another story!. An expectation of what a poem should be is like the blinders on a horse!. It limits the possibilities of the reader!. People often approach a poem with certain expectations!. I dislike them all!. (The expectations, not the people!.)
As far as what I like and dislike about pottery: sometimes it's not my cup of tea, but if I can dish it out, you can take it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

What I like most about poetry was best expressed by British poet, John Wain, who said, "Poetry is to prose as dancing is to walking!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

What I love about poetry!.!.!.the versatility!. The fact that I can choose whether or not I want this to happen, in this style and in this format!. I can choose convention and structure, or I can go crazy!. Poetry is one of the few remaining frontiers!. You can always invent new styles, to you or your peers, begin new things, find a line that isn't trite!.

The misconceptions I dislike are those of teenagers sitting in their rooms and cutting themselves, listening to insipid music, crying their eyes out and writing poetry!. Not every dark poem comes from such an affectation or juvenile mindset!. Many of the great poets (Poe, to name one) were vaunted for their dark poetry!.

The changes I have seen are that I have found a part of me that does dislike dark poetry, that tries to have a little lightheartedness thrown in, although I can never completely go happy go lucky in my own work!.

I find my inspiration everywhere!. I'll see a street sign and have to write a poem about it!. Someone I know will tell a funny story and I have to write a poem about a particular phrase!. Sometimes, words will just pop into my head and I have to go crazy with them!. But a good deal of inspiration comes from my fellow poets!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Poetry is in fact an Inspiration, One cannot scribble lines when he needs it, It descends from the Blue sky, Grabs the Mind, refreshes the [maybe lost memories], fills the mighty pen and scrawling is then started,

Inspirations are usually found from the lost memories [Emotion] is the core player, Realism & Fantasy [Imaginary thoughts] are the other members,Www@QuestionHome@Com