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Position:Home>Poetry> Originally I put this on I know ask your opinion.?

Question: Originally I put this on gspoetry!.com I know ask your opinion!.!?
"thirteen years"

Reflections always lie,
the mirror knows too much!.
Yesterday, long since past,
tomorrow may not come!.

Thirteen years, nothings changed,
your promises all died!.
You'll never see my rage,
you'll never see me cry!.

All your gifts, straight from hell,
a strangers mournful scream!.
Scripts already written,
someone to take the fall!.

There are no more rainbows,
nor words that I desire!.
Choices for the chosen!?
I never figured why!.

Now you know what I see,
the voice behind the veil!.
Now you know where I stand,
I'll never tell you why!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
very beautiful and deep!.!.!.!.rhythm is very flowing!.!.!.very true!. different to a lot of the crap poetry posted on Y/A!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Wow!. It was clever, It was strong, it was poetic, and it was near perfection!. Still, You are young!. Give life time!. This poem was written so well!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well done young lady, you show great promise as a poet!.
Perhaps I might make the suggestion that a more lighter poem for you next effort!. I say this because most of the poems submitted by young people on this site always tend towards the problems they have in their lives!. I feel sure that there are happier time which can be put into words!.
It saddens me to think that what I read from the young people may all be true, and that their lives are so full of grief!.


I really like this one alot!.!.!.it has a very deep ,essage and is well written!!!

keep up the good work!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com