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Question: Love poem!?!!!!!!!!!!!!?
I need a good love poem!. So any of you writers u there could you help me out!?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

here it goes:

strong and pure
hug, kiss, laugh
it is sneaking away!
frown, cheat, cry
sorrow, meaningless

that is a diamante poem!.!.!.and if you want one that is ALL about love, then you can use this one:

my love
like the sunlight
it is shining with beauty
hugging , kissing!.!.!.!.meaningful joy
for you!.

that is a cinquin poem
hope this helps

and can you help me with my poem!?

thank you!:)

e-mail me and i'll write one!.!.!. tanis_ivy@yahoo!.comWww@QuestionHome@Com

how about !.!.

Katherine by Robert Louis Stevenson


We see you as we see a face
That trembles in a forest place
Upon the mirror of a pool
Forever quiet, clear and cool;
And in the wayward glass, appears
To hover between smiles and tears,
Elfin and human, airy and true,
And backed by the reflected blue!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

go to jimmysantiagobaca!.com and click on community forum and there u will find poetry ppl have posted them selves

hoped i helped :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Roses are red or white or pink
Violets are violet
I love u
coz ur a pilotWww@QuestionHome@Com

This is a sad love poem!. It is about a girl who is devastated by a break-up that had to happen because the guys dad was forcing it!. She commits suicide as he walks in to her room!. And She is to weak to say goodbye!.

Blue diamonds

Blood piercing the sky as Life satisfied
Death saddened
clouds stained
Realizations done
regret forever
Secrets untold
hands unheld
heart unloved
tears fallen and
reality finished
all as he walked in
to see his life crippling under the streetlight
looking into blue diamonds for questions unansweredWww@QuestionHome@Com