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Position:Home>Poetry> I seem to have lost my ability to write poetry?

Question: I seem to have lost my ability to write poetry!?
about two years ago i wrote poems and in my opinion they were actually fairly decent, but i haven't done anything since then and when i've tried to write something lately i can't seem to get anything to go down on the paper!. have i just lost my ability to write!? is there some way i can get it back!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
My dear Poet

This is not unusual to anyone who is a writer, painter or what ever they do in the way of expressing themselves!. It is what is call a mental block!.
It has happened to me, and I have been writing poetry and short stories for some thirty years!.
So what is the solution!? Time and desire will eventually help you to write again!. Try a little bit of "Doodling"!. Write anything that comes to mind and see if you can make something of it!.
Think of a situation or a time which was special to you!. Look at something and describe it!.
I sometimes close my eyes and think myself into writing, but one of the best ways I have found is to look at someones poem on this site and critique it, rewrite it for them, then rewrite another!. I am sure that your desire to write will come back to you!.


I had the same thing a little while ago!. You need to be inspired again, maybe try travelling!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Its called writers block and it happens to the best of us!. I have writers block all the time except for very emotional moments or when I travel because thats when I'm inspired!. What inspires you!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

practice makes perfectWww@QuestionHome@Com

Just keep writing, no matter how awful you think it is!. The most important thing is to keep writing!. You can even set aside a specific time each day to write, and only write; with no distractions!. It's best to make it the same time each day!. The more you write, the more ideas you will get!. Along with writing, keep reading!. Read anything and everything!. From poems to novels to magazines, just read!.

I get writers' block too, but I like to call it "Inspiration block!."Www@QuestionHome@Com