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Position:Home>Poetry> Opinions of this poem Please? Read Additional Details if any?

Question: Opinions of this poem Please!? Read Additional Details if any!?
I walked outside and heard a strange noise
It was something I've never heard before
A new creature looking for an ear to listen!.
And I heard it ask, "Why do you just stand there looking without a clue," I turned around and saw no one!. "Where are you," I asked!. "I'm all around you, I am the ground you're standing on, the trees you're looking at, the sky above your head, and the air you breathe," the voice said!.
"What do you want with me," I asked!. "Stop the humans from destroying me," the voice said!. "But how are we destroying you," I asked, still looking for the owner of the voice!. "Every time you cut down a tree, or burn down a forest part of me dies, Every time you poison the air with your foul words I am stabbed and I bleed forever, Your pollutants in the sky are detiorating my skin, and the hazardous waste you dump on the ground and in the waters is choking me, don't you see," the voice replied!. I started to cry and told the voice,Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
its very dramatic!.

i like it!. =)

it sends a message!.

ps!. good ananogys!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


Poems need to be a little more structured whether it is a sonnet or a limerick!. This kind of reads more like a story!. It needs a meter, a rhythm!. I see where you are going with this, but look at more poetry and read it!. I suggest "An American Prayer" by Jim Morrison!. You can see it online!. Good Luck and keep writing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is dramatic and sounds good !. But it doesnt quite sound like a poem -it sounds more like an essay !.You needs to add some rhymes and make the lines quite short !. If you do that the poem will be a fantastic and effective one !.Www@QuestionHome@Com