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Position:Home>Poetry> My last poem here for tonight. Love gone you like it.?

Question: My last poem here for tonight!. Love gone bad!.!.!.do you like it!.!?
"i'm done"

Taken all I can take,
you knew what's at stake!.
Alone again tonight,
God, i see the light!.

Done with all your stories,
another sad, sad song!.
Turn around, don't look back,
shade is all you are!.

Through!. I'm done!. It's over,
finished your damn game!.
Nothing left for me here,
stay, I'll go insane!.

Hope you have a real life,
rotten, you made mine!.
Just go hopping bed to bed,
practicing your head!.

Took my heart and crushed it,
please leave me alone!.
I never want to see your face,
jump anothers bones!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I have said those two words a million times!."I`M DONE'
But the problem is still here!. It`s easy for someone else
to tell you to forget the past!. But you know It`s not so easy!.
I say those words everyday!. Hang In there!. Very moving
words!. You hit me right In my heart!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

damn son that was hott!. who ever broke ur heart needs to die!. remember she is the cont and there r other fish in the damn sea!. take the time to heal ur heart than more on!. u derisive better than her!. i wish u luck with other girls in the furture!. this poem was a 10!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's a brief but strong poem!. You must really have been motivated!.!.!.
I think you should find a few better rhymes (i!.e!. last stanza) and steadier rhyming scheme, but otherwise it's fine!. ^^
3!.5 / 5 stars ^^Www@QuestionHome@Com

A very cathartic poem!. I like the title!. It says it all!.Www@QuestionHome@Com