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Position:Home>Poetry> A relationship question for artists of all forms?

Question: A relationship question for artists of all forms!?
Do you find it easier to date/be married to fellow artists!?

Can anyone really understand artists better than other artists!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I married a non-artist and often times find myself disappointed in the fact that he does share my same passions and need for deeper thinking/conversation!.

But, we have an amazing relationship, nonetheless!.

I find that only other artists can truly understand my way of thinking!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think, for me, that it really depends on what kind of artist that they are!. First off, let me say yes, I do find it easier to date another artist!.!.!.perhaps because I have yet to date someone who is not!. However, at the same time, it is much harder because many artists are so self-consumed in their own work that it is a big effort and strech for them to come down from their own pedestal to see another's view point!. So in the emotional aspect, it is much harder, but in the aspect of understanding, it is much easier!. I have yet to decide who I want to spend my life with!.!.!.someone who will understand my artistic nature and have a hard time understanding the art itself, or someone who might not get it, but who loves me anyway!.Www@QuestionHome@Com