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Position:Home>Poetry> I need a poem writer.?

Question: I need a poem writer!.!?
I feel that I am fully capable of appreciating the artistry and beauty of poems however I am completely incapable of writing one myself!. I'm looking for any poet to write a poem about how the subject's entire self is devoted to the containment and suppression of what he considers the most powerful emotions in his life, love and hate!. I really don't know anyone personally who could write something like this so I was really hoping that the internet could offer me such an opportunity!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
My wife is an amazing poet, but she has trouble writing unless she has a specific topic!. E-mail her and she might be able to help you out!.

well, we all know how well things went when they tried to lump all of human emotions into, love and hate, in Donnie Darko!. !. !.Www@QuestionHome@Com