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Position:Home>Poetry> Acrostics seem to be appearing lately. Have I followed the trend?

Question: Acrostics seem to be appearing lately!. Have I followed the trend!?

Becoming transient!.!.something I'd
rather not remember,
everything I knew,
all gone, stripped away!.
Treated like a child, as
helpless and ignorant
even though my soul is old!.

Oh, they do not know, or
regard that concept,

they are so caught up,
helping themselves,
eternally swimming upstream!.

Midnight's call does not enchant them,
only offerings of gold will do!.
Many I have seen fall by,
eclipsed by their rampant,
negligent passions!. Even
though I am merely a child!.!.!.my eyes are clearer than most!.

Author's Note - This is not a reflection on myself in any shape, form or fashion!. I merely wonder at the wisdom of the very young!.!.!.and how we overlook it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Holy shnyk~ies

This is fantabulous! Wonderful insight

Yes, you have followed nic3ly <3Www@QuestionHome@Com

I love the last line!.

I have two sons, ages 2 & 4, and it amazes me how much they can take in!. Nothing is taken for granted in the mind of the young, everything is so fresh, so new!.!.!.an adventure lies in every nook and cranny of their innocent life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Kids absorb everything, the good and the bad, they are like little computers that are being programmed with remote inputs!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well said and a well done acrostic!. Loved the line: Midnight's call does not enchant them, only offerings of gold will do!."

A rondeau next!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

do a haiku next
those are fun to do!

great poem!
i will give you a star*!

and can you help me with my poem!?

thank you!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

young is too small to reach, but real smart to get!.
theyre always offering fresh eggs of thought !.!.!. >:)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Each line has a meaning lateral
Verily I tell you true!.
And then there's one that's vertical,
Do you know what to do!?
Never think you've seen them all
Every one has meaning new!.

It's just a way to help us think
Like music, art, and nom de plumes
Unless you push it to the brink
Variety adds spice to life
Under our Father's roof are many rooms!.Www@QuestionHome@Com