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Position:Home>Poetry> Be honest Pleeze?

Question: Be honest Pleeze!?
this is my new poem

Carry me away

Why!? That is my question for you!. Why do i have to go through life without you!. No one to talk to, No one to hug!. Why does this life have to go on without my one true love!? Tears fall, unspoken words remain on my lips, hopeing one day you'll come back and carry me away from all this!. My heart is breaking, I gave it to you for the taking, You still have it till this day, and all i can do is pray, For the day you come and carry me away!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Carry me away
In here there is alot of heartache,
with questions like why do I have
to go through life without you!?
Without the other person to talk to
no hugs
The tears fall as you are missing
the other person!.
You are trying to remain optomistic
that they will come back and take you away!.
That is all you can do it to pray!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I liked it alot!. I would definitely like to read more!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I like it!.!.!.
I find the key to Great poetry is descriptive words!.!.!.
and repetativeness!.!.!. saying the same thing in different ways really helps to get your point across!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

cool for a 13 year old! u have a future dude!!Www@QuestionHome@Com