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Position:Home>Poetry> Can anyone write a poem of their self? No bad words please i'll choose as be

Question: Can anyone write a poem of their self!? No bad words please i'll choose as best answer if i think its good!?
Any kind of poemWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
How about this song of myself!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Do you want these poems for yourself so you can use it in school because you can't write one!? If they are!.!.!.that's just so sad -_-Www@QuestionHome@Com

I belong to the cult of the Japanese
I listen to Miki Imai, Emi Fujita
Jun Shibata and Chihiro Onitsuka

I belong to the cult of the Japanese
Having read some Tanizaki,
Much Soseki (I dislike Murakami)
And even bits of Dogen and much D T Suzuki
But I do not practice shikantaza

I belong to the cult of the Japanese
I read Osamu Dazai and Shusaku Endo
And Osamu Tezuka's 'Ode to Kirihito'
And I ask 'Mirai wa doko'!? (*translation: where is the future!?)

I belong to the cult of the Japanese
I love green tea
And the simplicity of a haiku
Sengai's sumi-e paintings
And the films of Yasujiro Ozu
In particular, Banshun, or 'Late Spring'

I belong to the cult of the Japanese
'Does a dog have Buddha nature!?' 'Mu!.'
'What is the sound of one hand clapping!?

I belong to the cult of the Japanese
In this world of samsara
But I neither believe in karma
Nor seek to attain Nirvana
To become a Buddha or Bodhisattva

I belong to the cult of the Japanese

This is called an Acrostic poem

sculptor of people molded in clay!.
painter and poet with something to say!.
teacher by occupation, student of art,
favoring creativity born from the heart!.
yearns for inspiration from an undecided muse,
reaching and searching for anything to use!.Www@QuestionHome@Com