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Question: Poem Help 10 Points!!?
I Need A 6 Stanza Narrative poem about Sponge bob!. With out saying its spongebob!. The Reader Has to guess it!. Has To Have 8-12 words in each lines!. It Has To Rhyme!.

Thank youuWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Do your own damn homework HOOKER!!! lolWww@QuestionHome@Com

In the dead of night, something yellow and squishy
walked over to a furry girl whose tail was bushy, and then
went to go vist a pink friend that lived under a rock,
and they all ran out into the night catching jellyfish,
happily prancing and filling their plentiful jellyfish stock
and the yellow and squishy thing was actually an ocean sponge
(sorry its kinda stupid)Www@QuestionHome@Com