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Position:Home>Poetry> What do you think of this poem I wrote? most people like it?

Question: What do you think of this poem I wrote!? most people like it!?
I wish it would end,
I wish I could stop,
I’m sick of it!.

I yell out,
Asking for help,
But no one replies,
No one seems to care!.

I trying yelling more,
But still no one replies,
I start running,
Knowing I shouldn’t,
Especially from my fears,

I keep trying to avoid it,
But it won’t go away,
I keep running, till I’m all tired out,
Then I stop running,
Knowing that I am defeated!.

I pull my self under my covers,
I try to sleep but can’t,
I’m too afraid it will get me!.

Finally I close my eyes,
Off into my dreams,

For whatever awaits me there!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

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this is really good!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com