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Position:Home>Poetry> Which one of these is concidered Dada Poetry?

Question: Which one of these is concidered Dada Poetry!?
(I found a generator last night for converting phrases into Dada Poetry http://www!.poemofquotes!.com/tools/dada!.p!.!.!. but, seriously was confused and I can hardly find a good example on line unless I just don't understand it!.!.!.!.)


(this is just a quick ditty I came up with to try Dada on the generator)

I have always heard
that to walk
in another's shoes
could lead to certain death
either that an a55 whipping
for stepping in poop


(this'n I did from the above starting with every 4th word, 3rd, 2nd then 1st)

Heard in lead either whipping poop
Always walk could death a55 in
Have to shoes certain an stepping
I that another's to that for

#3 (and lastly, I was just spuratic (spelling!?) yet in keeping with the Dada form (hopefully)

I always heard to walk
Put the shoes on of another
Steppin', steppin' mumble talk
Lead could to death
A55 whipping outlined chalk
Oh goo! Oh poop!
Throw away to buy more Jox

Does anyone have a clue!?!?!?!?

Thank you in advance *^_^*Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
dada poetry is more of sounds than actual words!.
sound poems, traditional order, the interplay of sound and meaning is abolished!. the words are dissected into individual phonetic syllables, thus emptying the language of any meaning!.
see if you can find anything on Hugo Ball!. he has a poem called "Gadji beri bimba"Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm afraid I have no clue when it comes to Dada poetry, but I believe that if anyone could perfect and zero in on the art form, it would be you!. Blow me away!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sounds intriguing, I googled and also tried your link!. Daniel seems to be on the money with the sounds!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Number three made the most sense but I haven't a clue!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I couldn't even master pig latin as a kid!.!.!.!.wasn't that what it was called!?!? So whatever you say is perfect!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I dont know what dada poetry is, but readin replies and gathering my thoughts, its about the rythm of music, but more the sylybls of words (Pardon mispellings, im drunk) so therefore <Points finger to the air> I would say,!. its like this,!. dada-dada-dada-dada, <pause next line> dada, dada, dada, dada,!. and so on,!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com