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Position:Home>Poetry> Do you like my modern American free verse in the spirit of Hai'ku?

Question: Do you like my modern American free verse in the spirit of Hai'ku!?
by TD Euwaite

Book says mining bees
Normally do not sting you
I need a new book…


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
LoL!.!.!.that made me giggle!. Very cute!.
did you really get stung by a wood bore/carpenter bee!? The males are stingerless, but I suppose it is possible from the female!.
What did you do to her!?

Oh, wait, you may be speaking about the ground mining bumble bee!. In that case!.!.!.they do sting!.

I'm enjoying your insect poems this morning!.!.!.Thank you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am chuckling at your pain, sorry, could not help myself!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Laughing!.!.!.yes, indeed!. Very KU! (And they do!) You had to add that!.!.!.and I'm missing my Michigan garden!.!.!.with all of the above!.
Growing rocks, however, is a much more interesting hobby!.!.!.at least that's what I keep telling myself!. Not to be construed as chatting!.!.!.only remembering!. Pushkinia Libinaticus and Flitalaria Melagrus!.!.!.and NOT correctly spelled, I know! Spell check has freaked out!.!.!.I cannot spell them!.!.!.only recall phonetically!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You got stung, did you!? Time to change books, counties, and bees!Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's a senryu!. Hope you're not allergic!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They got me too - the whole bunch of them!. Nasty buggers!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Now that poem really BUGS me!. In fact a whole bunch of stuff coming out these last few days BUGS me!. They're over-running the place! Ah spring is here!.

Nice wordplay, by the way!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Grow your garden herbs
But don't partake too much!.!.!. Sir
You spelled "Boo-bees" wrongWww@QuestionHome@Com