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Question: Perhaps a fairy tale!?
A simple verse, a little babble like!.

The Flock

Halla, a Shepard man, tended flocks
Among the hills of Babel town
No greater Shepard tread these hills
Or safely guarded his minions such

But legend had an evil wind appear
Causing tongues to swirl words amuck
Soon the flocks did flee the hills
And no Shepard could call them back

But Halla strong a Shepard man
Called out for his dog so near
But the dog heard not the Shepard’s call
Only the baas’ of flocks so lost

So Halla wandered the hills so vast
Searching always for his flocks
And yet no dog appeared
still he called and called some more

Until one day a lowly ewe appeared
With eyes of crystal and ancient gait
With tongue calmed she spoke the words
Of ancient times of single flock

And Halla listened the trance undone
And stars in heaven were his guide
And words of ancients rang so true
For now he knew what evil wind had done

The flocks returned among the hills
And peace returned as words foretold
Halla raised his staff to praise
For indeed his God graced hills once more

But God made Halla stand and look
Into his eyes, crystalline orbs of light
And Halla knew at once he knew
We are all the same, we are the flockWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Nice close on that, really nice!. Somehow I don't think the world's leaders will hear you, but if we all speak up, if we all Baaaa together, maybe!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Must we then stand up!.!.!.take a stand!? I believe so!.
Enjoyed!. Pondering!. Will copy and save!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

interesting!.!.!.i would love to write a story about them!.!.!.NEW PROJECT!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Oh my! I am very impressed!. This is a wonderful story poem!. I especially like the final line, "We are all the same, we are the flock!." That is a nice way to drive home the point!. You get a bright, shining star, sir!.

P!.S!. There is only one word I question!.!.!.In the third line, should 'tread" be "trod" or is trod no longer used as the past participle in American English!? I am pretty sure it is still trod among the Brits, but that may not be so in the US!. It is worth checking to be sure!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I like it but at first I thought your flocks were words!. That would a different fable!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Lovely fairy tale!. This is a keeper!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A wonderful mythological poem!. Have we all been creating new myths!? A few have been posted here and they are all entrancing!. (A minor edit: the past of "tread" is "trod")!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Wow!.!.!.that last stanza is amazing!. What a perfect way to end your fabulous poem!. So powerful and beautiful!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Fabulous poem with a great ending!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

May I tentatively raise my hand and ask is Shepard how you in the USA spell Shepherd!?
The last line of the first verse!.!.!.!.!.!.could I suggest the word
'more' for 'such' - there is no rhyme there so the substitution won't create a problem!.
So, little picky things out of the way!. This would make a perfect vehicle for discussion in schools!. the words are simple and easily understood - but the poem is making a strong statement about how life should be led!.
(from an atheist who believes strongly that humankind should learn to live in harmony and use its intelligence to ignore bigotry and malicious words)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com