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Question: Me and the Ant - hot off the press! Hope you like!?
Me and the Ant

Hey, little ant on my draining board!.
First it's you, then comes the hoard!.
Stampeding across my sugar and jam
My carefully made sandwich of pickles and ham
Like wildebeest in the famed Serangeti
Soon you're dotted all over my left-over spaghetti!.
If I let you go back to your little hollow
I know how soon the invasion will follow!.
You'll have told all your mates
"Quick, come with me!.
I know a place just right for tea!.
Sugar and butter, crumbs for us all
I've a great notion!
Let's have an ant ball!.
She's not a bad sample of old human-kind
I'm sure 'push to shove' she really won't mind"

Well, I do mind
You're not wanted in my clean kitchen!.
You think I'm kind
(you should hear me bitchin')
It's no good you looking at me
with those soulful eyes,
Any promise you make will
turn out to be lies!.
But!.!.!.!.!.here you are
and here I am!.
I suppose we could share!.
Would you like bread and jam!?

(Inspired by Reenie's pea poems and Bayard Lady's Bee)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I love the way you focus on something small and bring it to life!. This is a delight to read!. Well done!

P!.S!. I hope some of the other poets at Y/A will notice what can be be done with ants, peas and bees!. So much is written on vast subjects like life, death and love!. It is not easy to give those things justice in a short poem!. Starting with something on a scale readers can grasp seems like a very good idea to me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yay great job!.!.woot wootWww@QuestionHome@Com

Excellent!. Your style is very funny in poetic form!. I can relate to your problem!. I am in need of an exterminator!. If the little buggers would just stay put in one place, I'd leave a bowl of food out for them especially!. But, no, they must have everything!Www@QuestionHome@Com

A fun poem with excellent meter and imagery!. Someone asked recently if the mundane could be made into poetry!. My answer was "what else is there!?' This is a perfect example of how poetry can be fun!. "Bitchin'" about life's little tragedies is not nearly as effective in prose as in poetry!. (And don't worry about typos--everyone makes them)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I love it!. I'm glad I don't have these little fellows though!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Is there a madness to your presentations that I am missing!. Yesterday it was beastly men and today you are "*****'n" at ants!? Should I consult Freud!? Don't give this inspired by peas and bees! How does ants rhyme with these!? Maybe flying trees!?

Did enjoy you penned words and chuckled along with the plight displayed!. I myself, being beastly, would probably have penned a much different ending! Your's though, flows well and proves to be pg rated!. Compliments to you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The first stanza is so happy, and I don't believe I have ever before seen someone attempt to rhyme Serangeti!. Nicely done!.

If I could suggest a minor change it would be the second line in the second stanza, a beat too long I think!. You could probably omit the word "clean" without sacrificing anything from the poem!.

Fun work, I have the image of an "ant ball" in my head now--I wonder what sort of music they'll listen to!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Love it! Love it! Love it!!
(Those glue traps work for bugs too! Hahaha!)Www@QuestionHome@Com

That was so cute and I loved the way it ended!. I know what you mean though; you feed one and then you have to feed them all!. Very sweet poem, I'll bet my kids would love this one!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

"You don't smoke, don't drink!.!.!.what do you want!.!.!.goodie goodie two-shoes!.!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

Lordy, you reminded me!.!.!.must set out the traps! Still laughing!
They are as invasive here as is Mint!. (Now, girl, typos could be considered invasive!) Aside!.!.!.they probably listen to an ANThem!.Www@QuestionHome@Com