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Position:Home>Poetry> Poem? PLEASE READ. Im only 12 years old also, people love it usually.?

Question: Poem!? PLEASE READ!. Im only 12 years old also, people love it usually!.!?
I am only 12, and please pardon any mistakes!. Thx

Will the headaches ever stop!?
Will the depression ever end!?
Everyday I ask this,
But it never gets answered!.

I screem out into the darkness,
I screem, I shout, I kick!.
But it wont go away!.

Asprins wont help,
They just bring tears,
More, and more tears!.

I used to not be able to cry,
And I wished I could get it all out!. ,
But now, I just can't stop!.

I want to ask for help,
But am to afraid!.
I want to end this by myself!.

Now every night I get depression thoughts,
Tearing me apart,
Making my heart bleed,
Making me think lies!.

Then when my tears put me to sleep,
I wake up without a tear!.
I seem to have a smile,
A sad, hurt smile!.

Then I lay there,
With the pain I cant bear!.
Then I get up, and walk to the mirror,
And stare into my own eyes!.
Looking at pools of emptiness,
Wishing today, I can fill that up,
With hope, with dreams, with love!.

And I wish, that one day,
I can live a normal life,
No problems, no depression

And no tears!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
i'm impressed
that is really good!!
even if you were 14-15
i'd say its good=]
keep it up!Www@QuestionHome@Com

You spelled "scream" wrong and it's not that "deep" either!. Very straightforward and not that exciting!. But you're young, and you'll become better!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There's a lot of pain talked about in your poem, a medical problem or the pain of growing up!. I have had several people around me with medical problems, one was my nephew and I tell get help!. We could not help him or his mother, talk to someone you trust and get help!. As for the kind of pain that comes with growing up, find someone your age and talk, that was what I did when I was your age!. That seems like a century ago, just fifty years!. The poem was very good and as for the spelling that comes with age!. If you want to learn about spelling read dictionaries, don't just depend on spell check!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I guess i'll be the first to say that i fear that you are going to grow up to be emo!. Oh, and it wasn't really that exciting!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Please do not be emo! Save yourself!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm guessing this is the way you feel!. because poetry tends to be the feelings that are deep within us!.
you did a fantastic job of turning your emotions into a poem that some of us can relate to!.
it's well put and nice!. very good for a 12 year old!. you have great talent!. pretty soon you will be able to write deep poetry!.
keep up the good work, you express your feelings well!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

For twelve, I would say it's all right!. However, I will not say that I love it, because, frankly, I see a great deal of it posted, and I have written more than enough of it myself!. And, if you want to be taken seriously by people who can help you become the poet you have the potential to be, you will be scrupulous about things such as spelling, grammar, etcetera!. Without the foundation, you have nothing to build on and I wouldn't want to see you slogging about before you had the chance to become!. There is a great deal of potential in your work, and I urge you to find all parts of your poetic voice, not just the dark part that you and everyone else can relate too, but the crazy, insane part that you think no one would love if they could see!. Poetry from each side is just as valid and wonderful!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Lighten up!.Www@QuestionHome@Com