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Position:Home>Poetry> Is this Sonnet Iambic Pentameter???

Question: Is this Sonnet Iambic Pentameter!?!?!?
The days grow longer with blue skies for me,
And I contemplate all the fun ahead!.
Going to the beach, lazing under the trees,
My cares for my education are shed!.
Dreams of carnivals and amusement parks,
Movies, video games, to shop all day,
Picnics, biking, and fourth of July sparks,
Summer is right for all these things and play!.
Eating grilled hot dogs and corn on the cob,
Watermelon and ice cream all taste great!.
Come the summer I’ll take a part-time job,
To earn spending money and I can’t wait!
Summer’s are fun times, winters are too cold,
So in all my poems summer is extolled!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It is not iambic pentameter!. Line one, for example, seems to have two iambs and two anapests!. The writer may have been trying for iambic pentameter, but, if so, he failed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes it has fourteen lines!.Www@QuestionHome@Com