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Question: For he has Spoken, comments!?
My sad lament, I probably should not even post!.

For He Has Spoken

I must leave now for I am an alleged
Duly called out, chastised welts applied
For the poet has spoken his gospel truth
Published too and literatured…
Surely my small parchment pales
Perhaps a refund, I must and will apply
For the poet, published, has spoken

Is a bright spot in this tale of woe
For the poet great, published too
Thought I be a teenager,
… now that’s nice!
To honor him the great
No finer gift can I think
Than a link to one of my alleged

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
In my opinion , if one feels they deserve to be called a Poet , then they must allow and encourage others to grow and develop their own skills!. And if one of the stepping stones to becoming a poet is through writing angst ridden pieces or rhyming words than they should be allowed and encouraged to do so !. One very wise piece of advice I received was " Write until the pen can bleed no more" !. Only once you have released all that weight from your soul can one move on and become a better poet , but more importantly a better person !.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Dude!. Lay off the 'shrooms!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

wow! shakespeare would s hit on thatWww@QuestionHome@Com

I hate to see what he would call me!!!


I find your words, beautiful, in their way, inspirational to the voice who will understand!. The arrogant who would portray themselves as wise will fall beneath the value of greater art!. His definition does need altering, because a poet is one who stops time, holds it, and shares it with the world!. It does not take a magician, one with a degree, to do this!. It merely takes one who sees a beauty, catches is, and says "look at what I have saved for you!." The generous nature is what describes poetry!. The degress and the knowledge are for novelists!.!.!.leave them to their own devices!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Nice!. How do the kids say it!? Oh yes: "Give it to him old school!"

Seriously, I completely agree with your answer to Poet as well!. Like you said, this is not a serious poetry workshop, it's just a starting point, a spring board, a time-passer!. A lot of beginnings, and a few gems; some minor commentary to be found, and, every-so-often, something truly valuable is gathered by myself or one of the other better poets lurking about!.

Poet needs to relax!.

Nice lines!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Poet to whom you refer has no compassion and no desire to see young poets learn and improve their skills!. I like the irony in your poem, illustrating that ignorance is not necessarily alleviated by publication!. You are well aware that you have a great deal of talent and that the poets on this site count you as one of them!. Write on, and ignore the chastiser!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Did you say you gave him the finger gift!.!.!.!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

He doesn't have a clue!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

We all know you are a wonderful poet!. Very creative and intellegent!. Don't let snobbery like that upset you!. It seems to me the he was the one behaving immaturely!. Had I seen how he responded to you, I would have added a few choice words myself!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well said!.
I will never understand why some think you can go to school, learn the rules and call themselves writers/poets!.
You can't learn passion!. You sure can't learn life experience!.
Oh well!. To each his own!.
Nice neonman:)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Enjoy, I did!. (No thanks to TD for causing me to spill my coffee!.)
As for the first posting!.!.!.
may I quote Mark Twain!.!.!."What a good thing Adam had!. When he said a good thing he knew nobody had said it before!."

Hopefully, my sarcasm came through!.!.!.or ought it to have been a bit stronger!. Good thing I didn't see this one!Www@QuestionHome@Com

You left me hanging there in the first bit!.!.!.!.I am an alleged!.!.!.what!? (poet!?)
And you sound a bit like Yoda from Star Wars - your sentences seem all back to front, or is it my poor tired brain - I've been reading poetry all day!I must admit this does sound vaguely Shakespearean - but then he has that effect on me too!.
I never thought you were a teenager!.!.!.!.!.I believed you to be a lot younger than myself, but then you are not alone in that!.