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Position:Home>Poetry> What do u think of this poem..due tom and i need opnions!!?

Question: What do u think of this poem!.!.due tom and i need opnions!!!?
"I was out in the lawn one day
About mid-May I would say
I noticed the beautiful arrangement of flowers
Bewildered at the bloom in so little hours
Love at first sight I would say

Enticing aroma fills the air
Picking the gems I shall not dare
Such gorgeous contours, surround me
What so proudly made by He

Heavenly formation looks and scents
Commonly grown along a fence
Thanks to god, thanks to the world
For giving me a chance to celebrate this moral
Love at first sight I would say

They decorate parties, reunions, and dances
Many designs on blouses and pants
Flawless way to say “I love you”
Comes in daises, pansies, roses and yarrows

I was out in the lawn one day
When I noticed the beautiful arrangement of flowers
Love at first sight I would say
Thank you Lord for letting me celebrate life another day"Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think it is lovely! I would classify it whatever you want it to be, since it is your work, your creation!. If it is a school project, then you need to get the specifics and nail it one way or the other!. But for poets, I feel like we can create our own works of art like painters, musicians, etc!. Thanks for sharing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You sort of dance between wanting to be rhyming and not, between wanting to be metered and not!. I'm not a poetic scholar or teacher so I don't know what to make of the format!.!.!.!.I hope your assignment was for free form poetry!.

I do like the subject and the way your returned home to the "I was out in the lawn one day"!.!.!.!.!.starting and returning to the beginning is always a good style point for me!.

Good luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com