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Position:Home>Poetry> In the Road Not Taken, what symbolism do the two roads have?

Question: In the Road Not Taken, what symbolism do the two roads have!?
Do the two roads symbolize two different paths in life!? If so, which paths!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
yes it does!.!.it symbolizes the two paths!.!.the one he took and the one he really wanted and thought about!.!.the easier path in life the one just like everyone else!.!.!.but he chose the harder more unknown path!.!.great poemWww@QuestionHome@Com

open to individual interpretation!.!.!.it also stands for what one should do and what actually one has done or doing!.!.like good angel and bad angelWww@QuestionHome@Com