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Question: But seriously, read my poem!?
A Poem That Makes No Sense

Call me a fool, I have my dreams!.
They hang from rafters and suspension beams!.
I know it's sunny,
And I should go out and play,
But there's other ways I want to spend my day!.
For one, I want to sit atop a great fence!.
O'erlooking the world, I'll be alone and hence-
Every now and then I'll toss in my two cents
Upon all the peoples living in tents!.

But in the meantime-
It'll be from my quiet perch whence
I write lots of poems that don't make sense!.
I'll write about colors, and thingymagigs too,
And all my sorrows and bumbidy-boo!.
And in my excitement, let my imagination run wild
And sob and shriek in delight like a child!.
Doesn't matter where I start,
I'll make it up as I go!.
Skip what's useless and let it all flow!.

So now that I've babbled, now can't you see!?
I'm not making sense, I'm just being me!.


Comments/ Critiques!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
This is a well written whimsical poem!. I enjoyed it very much, one of the few unfortunately!. You have the makings in you to be a comic!. You poem reminded me of an old poet of some fifty years ago, by the name of Cyril Fletcher!. He had he ability to write what he called "Odd Odes"!.
I think this is extremely well written and you should write more in the same vein!.


its good your a real poetWww@QuestionHome@Com

I like this one Swoosh because of the childlike innocence of the imagination!. It reads like a child telling of different events and meshing them all together!. On the contrary, I thought it made perfect sense!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Its wonderful,funny,light and full of a childlike excitement!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

plz take this as advice and not critizism

i think that it has no meaning!!
but i love how it rhymesWww@QuestionHome@Com

"skip what's useless and let it all flow" that's where i'm stuck!.!.
i love it! complete nonsense (the best kind of sense is non-!.!.) yet rather satisfying!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I like this :0)!.!.!. here are just a few changes that I would make if it were mine:

Leave out "And" from the 4th line!.
Leave out "For one" from the 6th line!.
Leave out "I'll" from the the 8th line!.
Change " let my imagination run wild" to "my imagination will
run wild" in the 15th line!.
Add "It" to the start of the 17th line!.
Change "now can't you see" to "I'm sure you can see!. in the
next to last line!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

[Well, if you think I can be serious, of course you're a fool!.]
Anyway, it's fun!. I love this stuff, even though it's a little beyond my intellectual level!.

Are you sure that's the right way to spell "bumbidyboo!?" I do have my standards, ya know!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I like it a lot!. It is fun and isn't that we should all be having!?
Poetry can be so heavy, man (that's my imitation of a Neal out of The Young Ones) - of course that may be long before your time, and wrong continent!.

We all ought to give it a try and see where the poem leads us , and not the other way around!.

Delighted to see you cutting loose! Fun and a good read!Www@QuestionHome@Com