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Position:Home>Poetry> Why is poetry the most demanding literary discipline but worst paying?

Question: Why is poetry the most demanding literary discipline but worst paying!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Because there are not many buyers - this is the bitter destiny of poetry and philosophy!.
It is even bitter with religion - it is given free, but not many people want to take!
Perhaps, things will change wonderfully when mankind become more mature in the next century!.


I do not find it demanding!. I refuse to sit down and work out a plan for a poem, its supposed to be from my soul but that is impossible if I am worrying about stanzas, rhymes, how many beats and syllable's!. I would never write anything if I had stop and think all the time is my poem correct!. Money well!.!? Rilke says that if you are a poet you have to write and that is true for me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I disagree that it's the most demanding literary discipline, but I wouldn't say it's less demanding!.Www@QuestionHome@Com