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Position:Home>Poetry> Poem (rate mine)! two of them... Birth of Life and Marry my sheep!?

Question: Poem (rate mine)! two of them!.!.!. Birth of Life and Marry my sheep!!?
POEM ONE: Birth of Life

It is so hard to find the words,
so i open up my heart and soul,
it makes me feel free spirited
and write what comes to heart
my mother is my heart though
without her i could never know,
the meaning of life,
joy that i feel everday,
that hope that i should stay
stay with what i've worked for,
she will be proud of me for ever more!

PEOM TWO : Marry my sheep!

Baah Baah
Nothing but sound waves
Baah Baah
Is all we hear
Marry my sheep they say
Whom said I meant sheep
Marry meWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
All I can say is that your profile picture is insanely haunting!.Www@QuestionHome@Com