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Position:Home>Poetry> Is this poem any good at all?

Question: Is this poem any good at all!?

Leaves are delicate,
Playful, chasing each other,
Whispers on a cloud!.

Rain falls harsh and clear!.
As the sky cries out for love,
We wish it hatred!.

Air is icy, numb,
Makes it hard for us to breathe
And harder to feel!.

Water’s freezing cold!.
Frosted with harsher versions
Of itself in ice!.

Nature stands in time!.
Fingers twisted to cold Sun,
Begging for its gold!.

Plants are skeletal,
Barely there and withering
Away in the night!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
thats very good you could be the next robert frost!. I really like the one were you said Rain falls harsh and clear!.
As the sky cries out for love!. ( love this one the best)
We wish it hatred!. ( that one is so true but i love the rain)Www@QuestionHome@Com

it is a great poem
i like how you used great adjectives!.!.
i could almost see the colours of the automn leaves in my head!
it was such a good poem!
if you wrote it!.!.!.
then you have talent!!!
great job!
it has alot of meaning!

now can you plz hellp me on my poem!?

thank you!:)


It has a lot of merit!. The great test will be when you give it a title and imply its theme!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

very niceWww@QuestionHome@Com