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Position:Home>Poetry> Does this bring back any memories?

Question: Does this bring back any memories!?
Strim, stram, popadoodle, lota botta rig dad!. Rig dad mulea
meta khymo!? Or!.!.!.Allagaroo, garoo, garoo, allagaroo, garoo, garoo, boz zoo, boz zoo,hi ex, hi ex, hong kong hippa tyka!.!.!.
alpha beta bah, ______High School, rah, rah, RAH!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yes it does, both good and bad!. When you are 4foot4 and 59 pounds, you get bullied but I came from a small school so it wasn't as bad as it was in the larger one!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No no no nope
jock jock jocular
bone bone blower
bad bad!.!.!. boy!

Did like the cheerleaders though!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Takes me back to the starting block!.!.!.I was a pretty fast swimmer in those days!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Actually no , you can explain it too m,e if you likeWww@QuestionHome@Com

Lady Baryard I see you now,
Droplets of sweat on your brow!.
Pom-poms swirling in the air
Oh so young, Oh so fair
Bing Bang, Walla Walla Tin
Come on boys, we can win!.

"Pooda Rakki Sakki
Pooda Rakki Sue
Pooda Rakki Sakki
And Out Goes You!"

This is one my dad used to sing!.
UTC Football, 1935, 36, 37, 38!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am not a sport , and definitely not a good sport!. I did not like anything that took the guys attention away from me!. So the pom poms were just a distraction!. I wanted to be the ball!.Www@QuestionHome@Com