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Position:Home>Poetry> What poet WROTE this? Please, do not search through the internet for the name. I

Question: What poet WROTE this!? Please, do not search through the internet for the name!. Instead trust yourself to guess
"My hair is bold like the chestnut burr, and my eyes like the sherry in the glass that the guest - [singular] - leaves"

*)What is the proud, hoped be ALLURING quality this poet calls be attended to!?
* Is IT noticed, as to change a visit toward a Happier outcome!?
*)What is reflected in the poet's eyes, which in aftermath appear as "sherry in the glass that the guest leaves!."!?
* If SUCH is the Beauty of clarity, colour, transcendence, ardour, allure, flavour, to take in, then savour Slowly- then why does the guest leave it behind!?
* If you were this poet and had written of yourself, how would you feel, after the guest is gone and has not acknowledged WHAT in/about You!?!?!?

Lastly : Did the guest lack keenness of perception!?
Or would you feel a certain guilt for having had a deserved Expectation, Not fulfilled!?

Please, do not search for any clue through the internet!. Search within yourself instead!!
Thank you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Skydance I should like to help, truly!. But I can't understand what you are saying
"What is the proud, hope be alluring quality this poet calls be attended to!?" This in particular is mystifying!.

also, I think if you want an explanation of the sentence you must put it into context!.

Sorry - I really did want to help!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Emily Dickenson who was a lonely, bitter woman unable to perceive her own beauty!.Www@QuestionHome@Com