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Position:Home>Poetry> Last poem of the nite. Very dark. How is this.?

Question: Last poem of the nite!. Very dark!. How is this!.!?

Want to see
how much,
pain I can absorb!.
Lately now
seems to me!.
I bend
but never break!.

Like a branch
from a tree!.
Much ability!.
Nothing comes
Just my

There is no
free ride,
always say!.
Pain so fine,
could not stop!.
If I tried!.

Deep, dark,
dried blood!.
My body,
my demise!.
Pain so deep
it cuts!.
Agony i live!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
"pain"- yes, i can relate to mental and physical anguish!. The lines that really affect me here are "Pain so fine, could not stop!.If I tried"!. I can only suggest one minor change and that is that "Dried blood" is antithetical to "it cuts"!. If you want to preserve the alliteration in "Deep, dark ____blood" you could use "damp" or "dripping"!.
This is quite a devastating, powerful statement about pain, and a very accomplished work!. Thank you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is very good!.

"I bend but never break" is definately a line I can relate to!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think it's pretty good!.
Nice work:)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am so into being adaptable that i am like a branch made of rubber- there have been many a storm that tried to take me down but i never even got a splinter of my substance taken by them

and as for pain, who else besides me can take pain and love it so deeply for itself!? oh that's right- i do know another----YOU!! never let them ruin your inner place of calm and conviction!. There is so much to suffer that we yet will know that we do need the past and it's painful lessons to withstand the future, hold on- see you in ethereal mists and cerulean skies goodnight SteveWww@QuestionHome@Com

I feel this poem!. It speaks to me and my life at this precise moment in time!. Have you been reading my mind!?! Great poem, DP!.Www@QuestionHome@Com