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Position:Home>Poetry> Please give an honest opinion on this, thanks in advance?

Question: Please give an honest opinion on this, thanks in advance!?
Okay most people say i have talent and should continue to write but then others disagree, please give your own opinion my poems are here:


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I know I commented on your most recent post, but I went to your web page and I think "The Moon" and "The Body" are my 2 faves!. I think you have talent, but the thing about your work is that it'll flow nicely, and then it won't!.!.!.!.!.and then it will, and then it won't!. For instance, "Play Me" I thought was going to be my favorite,but I didn't dig the ending!.!.!.!.it just didn't seem to flow!. "The body" was good because it DID flow!. (and it's a pretty interesting piece) :)
"The Moon" is very short, but it also flowed!. (I'm a big "Moon Lover" myself, so I liked it)!.
My advice is to just pay attention to the flow and delivery of your work!. When you have finished a piece, read it over and over again (on seperate occasions) like it's something you have never read before, so you can really "Feel" the delivery of words, and the picture you are trying to paint in the mind of someone else!. BE YOUR CRITIC in a 3rd person point of view first, and then ask for opinions!. Everybody's opinions are different though- for instance, I'm giving you constructive criticism that I think you need, but someone else might say I'm crazy!. It's all a matter of opinion, really!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Don't stop; your really good!.
Some people just don't like certain styles but I think your great!.
I like the play me one best but their all really good!
