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Position:Home>Poetry> Tips to get into "iamb" mode?

Question: Tips to get into "iamb" mode!?
I wish to write a poem in iambic pentameter!.!.!.

any tips on getting into "iambic pentameter" mode!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Listen to Simon and Garfunkel!? (capitals are stressed syllables) :D

HELLo DARKness MY old FRIEND!.!.!.
I've COME to TALK to YOU aGAIN!.!.!.
BeCAUSE a VISion SOFTly CREEping (<<feminine ending)
LEFT it's SEEDS while I WAS SLEEping!.!.!.

(This actually DOES help me, although half the time I get distracted with listening to all the excellent music)Www@QuestionHome@Com