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Position:Home>Poetry> Rate this poem 1-10 tell why you gave the rating?

Question: Rate this poem 1-10 tell why you gave the rating!?
Overcome Denial

The wound was always there
but denial delayed the bleeding
And now I have to care
Because I'm losing something I'm needing
Realization swept into my mind
Into the hole I was covering up
It gave me the sorrow I hadn't wanted to find
Now my eyes are an overflowing cup
With the sadness I stored away
And now that this feeling is here
I am afraid it will decide to stay

I'm not quite 13 if that helpsWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
9ish!.!.!.very well written!.
maybe something besides realization in the 5th line!?
idk its sounds kind of weird!.
but i liked the poem a lot!.!.!.felt the soul!Www@QuestionHome@Com

for almost 13 i give it a 10!. there is like nothing wrong with it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

:) 10! :)

Great poem =D well written and good use of vocab!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Your poem is wonderful!. It expresses emotion, and I got a strong sense of how you are feeling!. I like that you rhyme throughout the poem, but it may help if it went a little more smooth for reading purposes!. You seem to follow a specific pattern!. The first line rhymes with the third line, and the second line rhymes with the fourth line!. The first 4 lines of your poem are ABAB pattern, the next four lines are a CDCD pattern, and then the next 3 lines are a EFE pattern!. It may flow better if you add another line to the end of the poem- or alter the last 3 lines a little bit so you can put in a 4th line that rhymes well!. Other than that!. 10!Www@QuestionHome@Com