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Question: My Poem Soul!?
The light,
Of your soul,
Is going out,
You must light it once more,
Raise your head up high,
Even tho it hurts,
Tears run down your eyes,
Stress and Anger Is taking over,
Your life spirals into circles,
When you think its over,
An Angel comes,and touches Your Soul,
You realize,
Your Loved,
You are you,
You should never change,
The Angels flys away,
You try to fallow it,
but,disappears in the sky,
This story you tell,
No ones believes,
But,you know inside
The Light is Lit Once More!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think this poem is great because it uplifts you!. Did this happen to you, or did you just make it up!? If you made it up that's awesome!.Www@QuestionHome@Com