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Position:Home>Poetry> It scares me... will you read?

Question: It scares me!.!.!. will you read!?
The 19th

I thought it would happen…
I loved feeling you in my arms,
this kiss…
Kisses, really
but it didn’t!.
All the world could have waited,
and they did!.
Emotion drove it,
your heart
and mine
where there…
It wasn’t hard…
To find that place,
At least
for myself!.
I could never tell
what laid behind those glass eyes
and for a second tonight
A second
I saw a part
I am not sure you have ever seen before…
…I mean, I have ever seen!.
Too many plans
Too many
‘he said-s’
And, ‘she said-s’
“what will ‘they’ say-s!?”
Not enough
Just you and me
I am not enough…
But you don’t think that’s true!.
And I can’t convince myself…

That you’re right!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Not confused at all!. So many people go through hard times, and then there are times where you just need to suit the softness of the moment and concentrate on breaking down the walls!. A side that I haven't seen in years was broken down and I realized the detriment that had eaten its way, calling itself strength and making me weaker than I ever have been!. You will always be good enough, no matter what you believe!. I hope you can trust me on this one!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

k im confusedWww@QuestionHome@Com

It sounds like it would go well to music!. did you write it!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Nice poem!. But how does it scare you or is that just the name of the poemWww@QuestionHome@Com

how does this scare you!? its retarded!. your retardedWww@QuestionHome@Com

i don't get it!.!.!.what do you mean!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

It doesn't matter if they get it!.!.!. I can feel your pain!.

It has nothing to do with not being good enough!.!.!. she has talked to me!.!.!. she talked to Eva as well!.

Most girls would have killed to be with you like that!. I see you have not lost your mystery with words!.!.!. a lot of it is because you are almost coming from a girls perspective!.!.!. you always did have the mind of a female!.!.!. even though you are not!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

great job it makes everyone say what is he talking about
and only two ppl can answer that
bravo i give 3 thumbs up lolWww@QuestionHome@Com

I do the same thing sometime as a release and some people say well that was not so great' but for me it was wonderful' to get it out so it won't fester like an open sore in my heart!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Rouxe I am impressed with this - I don't think you need to cross all the t's and dot all the i's in a poem, especially one as personal as this!. The confusion you feel is at the heart of the poem, and your jumbled thoughts spill out onto the page!.

I get into trouble for talking about technical aspects of a poem, so I hope you don't mind this next bit!.
I want 'where there' to be 'were there' - did you mean 'where!?
not 'laid' it should be 'lay'
And the 'he said-s section is awkward and distracting - the punctuation I mean not the concept!.
Too many -
he said's
she said's
and what will they say's!.

Is the confusion about whether you can be who she wants you to be!? Or that she is acting a part, conforming to what is expected of her (and you)!? I'm glad I'm an old lady!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Rouxe thats beautiful!.!.

i feel like crying and i dont know quite whyWww@QuestionHome@Com

This poem's a real slump!. I think that it's like a ghetto!. Or some low rent crash!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, it's very interesting!. If you have written this for someone I hope she reads this and answers you affirmatively!. Good luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You have some very interesting things to say here, but I'd rather you put it into the form of a poetic prose letter!. As a poem, it really doesn't work!. (Sorry, but I feel you were too involved in the message to work on the form)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

So much heartbreaking emotional confusion make this very powerful as a statement by your heart!. I know how you can write a poem so it doesn't matter to me that the flow isn't perfect and the word choices, though enlightening, are not your poetic masterpiece!. I just hope it was cathartic and you get your response!. Thank you for sharing this very personal work!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

well i don't really like it!. !.!.!. I LOVE IT YOUR SOOO GOOD IT MAKS MII WANT TO RIGHT MY OWN!Www@QuestionHome@Com