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Position:Home>Poetry> A diffent kind of poem for saturday. How is this.?

Question: A diffent kind of poem for saturday!. How is this!.!?
"roaring silence"

I'm just a failure,
of my own beliefs!.
Blinded and alone,
hidden by desire!.
Silence is so loud,
failure is to wait!.
In the gloom of night,
the despair of birds!.
Whispering of trees,
drowning in the swamp!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
From the title to the last brilliant word, this is a beautiful poem, both powerful and haunting!. You have been spreading your dark wings lately and embracing different styles, and this one is perfect!. Thank you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Thats so beautiful!.!.!. I can write poems too :) its amazing!. You're a very romantic person!. whish i could date you!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I see you went back to what "YOU" like to write!. Good for you and good poem too!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


Truly and honestly one of the most poetic verses mine eyes have ever feasted upon!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This flows well!. My point that I will raise for the last time is that by taking words out, the remaining take on more meaning!. Poems do not always have to flow to still have a beat!. As an example:
Just a failure,
my own beliefs!.
desire hidden!.

The key words stay!. Would I change yours!? No!. Is there another way of saying what you said!? Of course as is for anyone!. It's your words and your beat!. You have the talent, try some other ways at times to experiment and learn!. This gets a star!.Www@QuestionHome@Com