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Position:Home>Poetry> Nurtured by Nature...My first Retourne...does it work?

Question: Nurtured by Nature!.!.!.My first Retourne!.!.!.does it work!?
Nurtured by Nature (A Retourne)

Contemplate the earth around you
What wonders can your eyes behold!?
Perhaps a flowers fragrant blooms
And insects deep within the soil!.

What wonders can your eyes behold!?
The gift of life you'll often see
Living within the fertile land
Nurturing all of human kind!.

Perhaps a flowers fragrant blooms
Can ease the fear of darkened skies
Ensuring growth through tempest dower!.
Providing nature's guests, a gift!.

And insects deep within the soil
Must mend and till the earth anew
They give what other creatures take
Assuring life will never end!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You did two different forms in one day!?!! The flower theme and growth, as well as the nature imagery are all magnificent!. Your poems grow in beauty exponentially!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That is great!.!.!.yes, it works!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It worked and flowed well!. I tried a pantoum earlier!. Care to look!?


I'd like to see you give this one a shot!. I know you'll knock it out!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Your rhyme was the beat which made the words flow so well!. Another great pen!. My compliments!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This is an absolutely amazing form, and may I say well done on not choosing end rhyme!. Of course, I admire all of your work, but find this to be something new and different and, as always with new and different things, intoxicating!. Can't wait to see more, and might even try a retourne for myself!.Www@QuestionHome@Com