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Question: Blinders and Vision, Comments!?
For some their way seems so simple!. To me, a shame to not wander and find!.

Blinders and Vision

The mule plows ahead
Worries not the road afar
Sees not the colors hued
Black and white will do

The slug crawls along alright
Slimy trail does he leave
Doesn’t care for he’s a slug
Black and white will do

The magpie speaks loud to all
Speaks each day, no regard
For his the voice, no others count
Black and white will do

The righteous, oh so righteous
Believe them or condemned
Logic and reason blinders led
For Black and White will do

So you choose the way of life
Neatly sort and label well
Never see the endless sky
Never see the colors trueWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Hi Neon!.!.!.Please consider!.!.

For logic and reason blinders led
Black and White will do

Powerful message, for many it's just shades of gray!.
I can't imagine living my life with blinders on!.!.!. tunnel vision!.
I dare to see !.!.!.


Oh, you get an A+ from me!.!.!.how observant! Yes, yes, yes!Www@QuestionHome@Com

You get an A+ from me too!. Your observations are right on point!. How sad that some do not take the time and thought to see the beautiful colors that abound!. Poets always do!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I see every color, hear every sound, feel every emotion!.

I could not imagine living any other way!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Tunnel vision, literally and figuratively!. A wise concept and an excellent poem!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i have blinders on!.!.!.we all do!. mine only let me see girls, beer, farty foods, and money!. yep, my soul is bankrupt!Www@QuestionHome@Com