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Position:Home>Poetry> Poem? someone said there's one like this? is there? comments. :)?

Question: Poem!? someone said there's one like this!? is there!? comments!. :)!?
I got bored clicked on ask and posted it!. I got a comment saying there was a poem like this when i 100% made this on my own!. So if there is can some one show me!? :/ and comments!. :)

Where does this lead!?
Being stuck in hell!.
I think I'd be better of,
Raised in a jail!.

I want to be a little jail bird,
And break free!.
Find an ounce of happiness,
To make me feel complete!.

I want to fly,
On my own!.
I know I can do it,
I'm already alone!.

You'll see a smile,
Along with love is all you'll see!.
So why is okay,
If you only take advantage of me!?

Cant you see,
Happiness is what I deserve!.
But when I find the road,
I seem to always take the wrong turn!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Cool poem =D Never heard of anything similar (their probably just jealoss of you're mad skills =O=!)Www@QuestionHome@Com