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Position:Home>Poetry> Rate on a scale of 1-10 and why you felt that way? This has happened to me befor

Question: Rate on a scale of 1-10 and why you felt that way!? This has happened to me before!?
These aren't the best poems ever but I'm just trying to get the point across!. Do you think they're blunt enough!?

When Everyone Hates Me!.!.!.

They treat me like a piece of dirt,
Like I'm never there,
But if I try to talk to them,
They haven't got words to spare!.

They act like they're my friends,
Like they're all so real and true,
But as soon as I turn my back they say,
"You know, I never really like you!."

The comment on my hair,
On my shoes and on my clothes!.
But if they were my real friends
They wouldn't do that, I suppose!.

They get angry and they talk
When I say things with which they disagree!.
I'm the only one standing up to them,
But that's alright with me!.

So maybe they say things that are crude,
Or mean, or hateful or snide!.
But I know I can withstand their judging
With you forever by my side!.

NEVER Judge My Friend

You can judge my shoes;
How they’re not really with the trend!.
You can do that all you want,
But NEVER judge my friend!.

You can comment on my money;
On how little I have to spend!.
You can do that all you want,
But NEVER judge my friend!.

You can say things that are rude,
Be mean right to the end!.
You can do that all you want,
But NEVER judge my friend!.

You can say things about my personality,
About how I don’t really blend!.
You can do that all you want,
But NEVER judge my friend!.

You can say things about my popularity,
About how few I ever befriend!.
You can say that all you want,
But NEVER judge my friend!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I like the more abstract side of poetry, like free verse, but if it was a point you were trying to make, you most definitely succeeded in making it!. I can relate completely to the second poem!. So I'd give you somewhere between a seven and an eight!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

To blunt for me!.!.!. no metaphors!.!.!. it rhymes ans all!.!.!. but!.!.!. its!.!.!. just!.!.!. to!.!.!. simple!. Try free verse!.Www@QuestionHome@Com