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Question: Should a crique be honest!?
Having just answered a young persons letter regarding my critique of their poem (I did not know that they were young)!. It made me wonder just how far we may go in our critique of works submitted!. Are we to be honest irrespective of the age of the submitter, in the hope that they will accept our personal verdict!. That it is only given with the intention of helping and advising!.
Perhaps the submitters may like to give us a Bio!. of themselves (Few have done this) so that we can get some idea as to how the critique may reply!.
Far be it from me to discourage any would be poet who is breaking out in their chosen field, neither must the submitter be to over sensitive to what is said about their work!. So long as what is said is justified in the opinion of the critique, which then may be accepted or rejected!.
Perhaps a simple yes or no might be sufficient if asked Do you like my poem!. When asked to criticise a poem what are we do do!?


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think a critique should be honest and heartfelt, but compassionate- giving praise for the good as well as critcism of the not-so-good!. If you can find nothing good in a poem, you probably should refrain from answering that question, in my opinion!. Since poems are not usually offered witha bio, the poet should be prepared for a true critique!. Even a very young poet needs guidance as well as affirmation and reassurance!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

agree!. My bio-am 14 and write poetry when feeling creative, if you are judging me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

when i critique i give my honest opoinion no matter how old they are im 13 andpoeple are pretty harsh also I don't like it when someone just says yes or no!. I want to know why so I can take what they say and improv my work!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I believe that most of the very young, would-be poets are looking for praise rather than critique!. If I find the poem worth answering, I generally try to find something good to say and then suggest "a minor edit!." Generally, I don't answer the question unless I feel the poem approaches something resembling poetry!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

When people ask do you like my poem they are looking for a yesssss! Others are looking for constructive criticism!. When i ask [I'm 12] I'm looking for people's honest opinion about it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well stated Robert!. Sometimes I am rather hesitant in posting a critique, since I am not that versed in doing so!. However, encouragement (my feeling) is essential!.!.!.even the slightest bit!.
When I was 8, I wrote my first poem!. Was informed that it was not good, etc!. I can recall that moment perfectly!. I refrained from writing for ten years!.!.!.and even then, hid my work!. One little bit of praise!.!.!.only a tiny one!.!.!.might have spurred me on!. My thoughts only!. We all start out taking baby steps!. Who knows where those steps might take us!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Either you are looking for support in the form of agreement, or you are concealing your anger disingenuously, or you are seriously lacking in social skills!.
There, does that help you!? In other words, this is an open forum!. Expect anything from anyone!. That is YA's greatest weakness and its greatest fascination!. Of course you are going to get this sort of response!. Half the poems submitted are by adolescents - both chronologically and temperamently!.
Questions such as "Do you like me/my poem!? Am I smart/pretty/sexy!?" are not in the category of "Tell me the truth!." So unless you enjoy torturing clever and horny little teenage girls [which has a great deal to recommend it], just ignore them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com