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Position:Home>Poetry> I wrote this poem for you like it?

Question: I wrote this poem for language!.!.!.do you like it!?
for language i decided to write a sonnet!. first of all, do you like it!? is there anything that would make it bettter!? also i had a bit of trouble with the punctuation!.!.!.please tell me what to change, or if i did it right!.

Thank you!.

I don’t remember what normal is,
All my sadness I put into disguise;
I cry in my mind and my heart,
But never ever in my eyes;
I pray that no other person
Suffers from missing a father, a dad,
Because I hate this feeling from missing
The wonderful one I had;
Seeing his grave makes me realize
How distant he is from me,
But at the same time I feel
That he is right next to me;
Things are not normal and that’s okay,
Because I know he watches over me everyday!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I really like this, its very sweet!. If you really did lose your father, I'm terribly sorry!. But if he could ever see this I think he'd know what a wonderful daughter he had!. Beautiful work!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

its sorta sad but its a wonderful poem dont change anythingWww@QuestionHome@Com

I don't think you should change a thing!. I think it is excellent!.Www@QuestionHome@Com