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Question: Has my muse returned!?
I have just written this!. So it is a bit rough, but written from the heart!.

We mothers have a lot to answer for
Why don't we stand arms crossed and bar the door!.
When our sons say 'I'm off to war'
I mean ALL mothers!.
The mothers from
all lands
all creeds
all races
all colours
all political persuasians!.
Too much blood has soaked this earth
since womankind first gave birth!.
In the dark caves
Mothers must have cried bitter tears
When their sons left for battle
and disappeared
fulfilling the prediction of their worst fears!.
When I leave
I want to say that my son killed no-one else's son
And I want other mothers to say this too
So my sons will outlive me
And in my passing I will feel no agony!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Nice sentiment, but not really a poem!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Your muse has never left!. As for this poem, I sometimes feel it is the mothers who suffer most in times of war!. And when has this planet not been at war!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Beautiful! And very close to my heart!.!.!.
I tried that blocking the door bit, it didn't work!.!.!.!.
God Bless Our Troops!

Excellent point, Elaine!Www@QuestionHome@Com

This is stuff that protests use!. Well done!. Try this on the line to re-emphasize the statement: "I mean ALL mothers!.!.!.Mothers All" Then go to Mothers from all!.!.!.etc!. Your muse is quite alive, very moving and a very strong statement!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

How many of us feel this way!.!.!.I know I do!.
Those who profit from wars (and don't think for a moment that they don't!.!.!.) ought to 1) be involved themselves, or 2) get drawn and quartered!. Enough, enough!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I agree with Elaine in saying that your Muse never left!. This poem especially says that!. It shows the strength of mothers who have given so much, sacrificed their own blood countless times, for a child is of their mother's blood, and that still they send their sons and daughters off to war, having to reconcile themselves to their child's or their government's decision!. And the wishful thinking in the end, perhaps one day it will not be so wishful!. Thank you for this beautiful glimpse into the hearts of mothers!.Www@QuestionHome@Com