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Position:Home>Poetry> Poems I've worked up, if you could please evaluate?

Question: Poems I've worked up, if you could please evaluate!?
Every boy and every girl, loving each other through life’s scary ruse
Love was never absent when it came to her thoughts and dreams
Energy that she put into these fantasies is energy that she’s glad to use
Nothing will ever be strong enough break through her love’s seams
And hopefully, in time she will love the world, only way she could as a muse

Modern love is absent from the world modern
Love is timeless such as it is for love is a constant sensation
There is no “modern” love, not possible I’ve come to learn
You love then if you’re lucky you keep on loving, but there is a certain implication
You don’t know what she feels and that’s what makes the roulette wheel turn
But like I said, if you’re lucky then you’ve been given the greatest gift to mentionWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You are your best critic---and time!. I have written poetry since 5th grade!. Here's my two cents: Keep all of your poetry!. Date each piece, and make a notation as to what was going through your mind, or the circumstances behind each piece!. It will be SO valuable in years to come!. Only share with others what you wish!. And remember, they will copy it, pass it around, and claim it as theirs!. I'm so glad you are able to express yourself this way!. It's a wonderful outlet for your feelings and will be a great blessing for you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You're magical!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

great keep it up i write too i really enjoy what u have came up withWww@QuestionHome@Com

i love it

very nice i like it keep writingWww@QuestionHome@Com

i like it and it's deep and real, a special poem made by a special guy!.
you have skills keep writingWww@QuestionHome@Com

They're pretty good!. I like that the first one is acrostic, spelling out Elena, but it seemed like you had to force the rhyme, because ruse isn't a word that is commonly used!.
The second one is good, and i like the roulette wheel imagery!.
All in all, neither really strikes me as anything amazing, just good!.Www@QuestionHome@Com