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Position:Home>Poetry> Rate my poem 1-10? Explain why you gave it that?

Question: Rate my poem 1-10!? Explain why you gave it that!?
Overcome Denial

The wound was always there
but denial delayed the bleeding
And now I have to care
Because I'm losing something I'm needing
Realization swept into my mind
Into the hole I was covering up
It gave me the sorrow I hadn't wanted to find
Now my eyes are an overflowing cup
With the sadness I stored away
And now that this feeling is here
I am afraid it will decide to stayWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I would give it a 7!. You put emotion into it, which is good, and you used strong word choices in places!. I think you should revisit line 4 (Because I'm losing something I'm needing) and try to shorten it so that it flows with the rest of the poem a little better!. Maybe try taking out the 'Because'!. also I'd take another look at lines 8 and 9 (Now my eyes are an overflowing cup/ with the sadness I stored away!.) You could have another go at these lines, and say something like 'Now my eyes are a cup overflowing/ with the sadness I stored away', because that flows in a sequence a little bit better!. But great work!Www@QuestionHome@Com


I love your word usage!.Its a very sad poem from my understanding getting over denial!.Nice Metaphors also!.
Great Job and keep writing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

6 it was ok I've seen better, I might of rated it higher it just I got stuck on this part:
Into the hole I was covering up
It gave me the sorrow I hadn't wanted to find
Now my eyes are an overflowing cup

It's just so forced, the rhyming I mean!.!.!.!. I really want to see what you could do with a free verse!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

wow! im in jr!. high too, and i thought it was great! definitly a 10!Www@QuestionHome@Com