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Question: Poem finish or not!?
I have that song rebirthing now by skillet stuck in my head so it goes to the rythm of course!. so i want to know, stop while your ahead!? or preceed writting this!.!. what i have so far!.!.!.!.

I want to break free,
Begin fresh!.
Want to get away from,
You eating at my flesh!.

Knawing(sp!?) at me,
Hungry with knowledge!.
Stop seeking,
You're never gonna solve this!.

Away with you,
And your words!.
Why does everything,
Seem so absurd!.

In a way I feel,
so empty!.
What do I got to do,
To get you away from me!?

Stop searching,
You're tearing me down!.
You've seemed to lost,
everything I've found!.

to be finished!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
a poem is only complete when the poet feels like it is so!. if the words stopped coming to you for this particular poem them stop!. if you still feel like the words are flowing!. let them flow freeWww@QuestionHome@Com

stop while you are ahead!. Revisions are never done!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I love it how it is now!. I wouldnt move on!. TRUST ME! i went to poetry!.com and won from over 100000 people!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Of course you should finish it!.
Why not!?
It's pretty good!.

If you have something more to say, then continue!. Only the poet can decide when a poem is finished!.Www@QuestionHome@Com