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Position:Home>Poetry> I just started typing?

Question: I just started typing!?
my smiles is on my face, tears stream down my heart like a waterfall of saddness without the beauty of the crashing water on the bottom; fall off the mountain and see the bottom; diving into the water of tears of blue pools of streaks and ribbons of death; in the night i see the real concealed in the days bright lie; my life is not real yet i walk and talk and my steps mark time of day while i sit and wish on nothing but something and i pray for you to come back even though you never will; hope is useless and smiles are sad when they lie so what is the point of being here if its so sad and depressing that your white teeth that smiles and eyes are stitch shut so you cant see the truth but you can fake like you believe it; i am still here, wanting something but nothing but that is too much to ask for because life is not something you live but something you take forever and never and you are not promised anything in life but death and you can never depend on life to take you when you want to be away from it all; no one can see the real in your eyes so why do you want to know the truth when it makes you miseralbe and want to die when you know in the end all that is left is you falling down that clift and diving into the shallow water!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
i like it!. oh i also love that movie!.!. the guy's really cute :D and sorry about other people not really answering or just saying random stuff that has nothing to do with your question!. sometimes i find i gotta reask it to finally get someone to answer!. i really like it, there are some mistakes though with spelling and some grammar, and if you changed those it would flow better!. but yea!. good luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Find something to do with your time then!.Www@QuestionHome@Com