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Position:Home>Poetry> What do you think of thisn poem?

Question: What do you think of thisn poem!?
Devils stir in these riddles, drone needles, weaving an accident occasion in strings of dissonance echoing in ova sniping thrills, the fluctuation electric!. Energy, thousands of volts intricate, fuses, failing and so curves a mesa out of spiraling chiralities, the atomic ghosts charge the creases in the tapestry, a trip shunt circuit, evocative of a symphonic score, beating the cuckold!. Shy am I, the sheet of fabric, a trip shunt circuit, fading far so as roses do!.

Ships tatter sails in these gales, waves flow full and arise the ferocious shallows reefs, grounds shore and slit a ship’s bow, the ghost sinks to the depth of sediment, a wreak deep!. High are the hours unfurling as the surf ages free recovery, and fortune saves the vision for a fish!. This life, cracked, a hollow retreat dearer then the drowning, further then fracture, fading far so as roses do!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
While I agree that this is in prose form, I quite liked it!. The imagery is enigmatic and intricate, making me think!. I think if you write this in poem form, any necessary changes will present themselves, but I don't know what these changes would be, as I love the words the way they are!. Thank you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Too much description!. I give you a C+!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This can be easily cut in half, try being a little more critical of your wordingWww@QuestionHome@Com

This is poetic prose!.!.!.not a poem, dear!.
This need a lot of unneccessary words deleted, and the huge words cut down to the reader's level of understanding!.!.!.without having to have a dictionary on their lap to read this!.
Try revision with this in mind!.!.!.it can only help you!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I now this is impossible, but could this be susanna!? Otherwise or regardless, great poem!.Www@QuestionHome@Com