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Position:Home>Poetry> I wrote this poem and I was wondering If I wrote this sonnet correctly?

Question: I wrote this poem and I was wondering If I wrote this sonnet correctly!?
Why does life have to be this way!.
There is just oh so much to say!.
The pain, struggle and suffering!.
Will there be a happy ending!?
Every single day I pray!.

Wondering if I'll make it through
Life is such a prized price to pay
It seems we do things not thinking
Things need to change!.

Each and every night that I lay
My dream is for a brighter day
Guess I'll just have to keep dreaming
Holding on tightly and believing
Things need to change!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
yep you did/" a sonnet is decribe as a poem with 14 lines and with a rhyming scheme!.
you have both!.Www@QuestionHome@Com