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Position:Home>Poetry> I have another poem for you...will you understand?

Question: I have another poem for you!.!.!.will you understand!?

When did the light die!?
When you looked in myeyes,
saw no talent evinced!?
How far did I fall
from grace, from love
when you heard the sweet music!?
Could I never please you!?
Cast aside, thrown down
by another's radiance!.
Never equal, still the same,
but years!.!.!.years have changed!.
Bitterness and hatred
are the scars I bear!.
You pray for the one
who shines so bright
and call me down,
I'm not enough!.
Do one wrong thing,
reviled, ignored,
so easily
are the transgressions
of greatness

Would that I had sinned!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
This is absolutely captivating!. I mean, overall it carries an overtone of angst which is slightly annoying, but aside from that, I hear a genuine plea in the words, especially the gripping last line "Would that I had sinned!?"
It tells a story that I have lived for most of my life, the story of someone overshadowed by someone who is loved better, who is more talented, who is always forgiven the most dastardly crimes and the others is reviled simply for misplacing a fork, or not emptying the dishwasher (personal experience)!. So, yes, I often say, "would that I had sinned!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

I "saw no talent evinced" when i read this poem!.!.!.!.
i like the point about salvation and stuff but seriously poetry!.!.!.!.not your thingWww@QuestionHome@Com

that flowed BEAUTIFULLY :DWww@QuestionHome@Com

it's a poem about bad poetry!. Go out and live for yourself, and find real sources you can tap into!. That's why you are ignored, because you aren't going anywhere, so go!. Be a whole person!. Don't try to please anyone, just try to develop into a person who has every right!. Lives life for himself and finds amazing things in it!. That will solve your heartache and will allow you to write good poetry!.Www@QuestionHome@Com