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Question: Do you like the poems!?
i fake a smile and laugh
around my friends
but behind those walls in my room
!.!.!.i cry and try not to let anyone hear
my friends say what's wrong i say nothing
but it's all a lie
i am broken
broken on the inside cause he isn't time


When I truly listen to my heart
It says I love you
But then…then…
My brain says no…you can’t
But I feel SO much for you
Some say love, others say a crush
I say I care for you
I have never been your girlfriend
Just a friend to you
But I want you, need you
Each year my feelings…
They grow and become stronger
They drive me insane
How I wish I knew what it all means!?
All the feelings for you
And I wish I knew what this is I am feeling!?
Yes there is more fish in the sea
But it’s only you…
Only you I want and see
Yeah their a lot of OTHER boys around
But the more I spend time with them
The more I want you

And yeah people say move on
But I say how!?

what can i do to make them better!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Oh ! It is really superb!. I think you are born in a poetic family!. It is so piercing to reach upto the bottom of one's heart, and one could see what is hidden in the strong room of your heart!. You portraited it in such a way, even a granite will melt!. The most beautiful things of life is not touchable, and can not be seen, but to be felt by heart!. You proved it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Fabulous works of the soul!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There is never anything you can do better!. Poetry is a way for the soul to speak!. Therefore all poetry is open to interpretation!. And they are original and good!.I have poems on poetry!.com under the name Corey Moss and Marcus Corey Moss!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You don't have to say every little detail

When I truly listen to my heart
It says I love you

My brain says no…you can’t
But I feel SO much for you
Some say love, others say a crush
I say I care for you
I have never been your girlfriend
Just a friend to you

I want you, need you
Each year my feelings…
They grow and become stronger
They drive me insane

I wish I knew what this is I am feeling
Yes there is more fish in the sea
But it’s only you…
Only you I want and see

There are OTHERs around
But the more I spend time with them
The more I want you

People say move on
But I say how I ask how!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, I do like your poems, they're really nice!. =) I don't think you should change it, its really how you feel and it describes you well!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes i do!.
i prefer the first!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Amazing words!!! you can sooo tell your heart was in this!! ITs gReAt!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I like the 1st oneWww@QuestionHome@Com

I think they are good, but you sound depressed try actually talking to your friends!.!.!. if you can't they aren't the friends you really want aroundWww@QuestionHome@Com

i love them the first one describes my lifeWww@QuestionHome@Com

wow, they are bothe very niceWww@QuestionHome@Com